This class is designed for English language learners. Improve your spoken English as we focus on listening and speaking skills with an emphasis on everyday pronunciation, intonation, and stress, as well as unique American rhythms.
3, 2, FUN
Ages 2-3 years with adult; 30 min. Ticket required.
Preschoolers get ready for school by doing things like talking, singing songs and rhymes, doing finger plays, and listening to stories.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
Ages newborns-23 months with adult; 20-30 min. Ticket required.
Newborns and toddlers learn to express feelings, language, and movement through stories, baby games, musical activities, and playtime.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
Ticket required.
Tickets available 15 minutes before class.
All ages with adult; 30 min. Ticket required.
Children build skills in singing, talking, listening, reading, and getting along with others through stories, music, rhymes, and activities.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
Ticket required. Tickets will be available 15 minutes before class.
3, 2, FUN
Ages 2-3 years with adult; 30 min. Ticket required.
Preschoolers get ready for school by doing things like talking, singing songs and rhymes, doing finger plays, and listening to stories.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
Ages 3-5; 30 min. Ticket required
Preschoolers go to class on their own. They will learn to follow rules and routines, understand feelings, and talk about stories. They may also learn about shapes and numbers, use scissors, draw and write, make guesses about what is going to happen, learn about the world, and be creative.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
Ages 6-11, allow 30 min. Two-part workshop, attendance at each is strongly encouraged.
Have you, your child, or the whole family always wanted to learn Spanish? Well NOW is the perfect time!!!
3rd - 5th grade. 45 minutes - 1 hour. Registration required.
Summer READer Celebration: Enchanted Garden Carnival
Come one! Come all! Bring the family and have a ball at our Enchanted Garden Carnival. Games, magic, and fun for everyone!
Reading & Speaking for English Language Learners - Adult (In-Person)
This class is designed for English language learners. Practice your speaking skills in a supportive environment. Students read a short story each week and discuss it in class.
All ages with adult; 30 min. Ticket required.
A class before bedtime. Children build skills in singing, talking, listening, reading, and getting along with others through stories, music, rhymes, and activities. Children may wear their pajamas and bring their loveys and blankets.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
Welcome sci-fi enthusiasts and other intrepid readers!
Discuss a wide-array of SciFi movies (2nd Wednesdays) and books (4th Wednesdays)
Rising 6th Grade Students, 60 min.
Moving Up To Middle School is a class for students starting sixth grade this fall. Registration required, and begins two weeks before each date.
Love to read romance novels? Do you need an escape from reality? Join the new Romantic Reads Book Discussion!
English As A Second Language Levels 1, 2 or 3 - Adult (Online)
This is a class for adult English language learners. Improve your English language skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It is suitable for English language learners in low beginning to low intermediate levels. The
Is English your second (or third) language? Practice speaking and listening in a small group.
Wednesdays, 7:45 - 8:45 pm