Program Type:
Book ClubsAge Group:
AdultsProgram Description
Event Details
Welcome sci-fi enthusiasts and other intrepid readers!
Discuss a wide-array of SciFi movies (2nd Wednesdays) and books (4th Wednesdays)
Nov 10th: "A Scanner Darkly" (movie based on Phillip K. Dick book, available on Kanopy)
Dec 8th: "The Secret of Kells"
Jan 12th: "Robot and Frank" (with Frank Langella)
Feb 9th: "Swiss Army Man"
Please register with an email address to receive an immediate registration confirmation. You will receive the link to the online class in the confirmation email. This email will also contain as the dial-in information if you wish to participate by telephone.
Movie selections are available via Kanopy (free through Howard County Library System), Hoopla
Physical copies of the current month book club book will be once again kept behind the customer service desk at East Columbia branch. Please stop by and ask for your copy.
Availability of physical copies is not guaranteed.