Step into the fun and active world of Adult Beyond Words, an inclusive monthly class designed to spark joy and ignite the imagination of people (ages 18+) with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities.
3, 2, FUN
Ages 2-3 years with adult; 30 min. Ticket required.
Preschoolers get ready for school by doing things like talking, singing songs and rhymes, doing finger plays, and listening to stories.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
Ages strictly enforced with limited exceptions.
Veterans: Visit with a Social Worker from the Baltimore VA Community Resource & Referral Center (CRRC)
Veterans: drop in to meet with a Social Worker for the Baltimore Veterans Administration Community Resource and Referral Center (CRRC), ask questions, seek support, and get information on the services provided at the CRRC in Baltimore.
3, 2, FUN
Ages 2-3 years with adult; 30 min. Ticket required.
Preschoolers get ready for school by doing things like talking, singing songs and rhymes, doing finger plays, and listening to stories.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
Ages strictly enforced with limited exceptions.
Ages 3-5 years with adult; 45 mins. Ticket required.
Children learn through play and exploring the world around them. Stories and activities help with skills like getting along, talking and reading, moving and doing, math, science, and being creative.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
After-school hang out time for teens! Come enjoy some snacks, video games, and board games!
Bored after school?
Stop by our Teen Area for board and card game play or video game play in our gaming room.
Ages 11-18.
Drop in.
Ages newborns-23 months with adult; 20-30 min. Ticket required.
Newborns and toddlers learn to express feelings, language, and movement through stories, baby games, musical activities, and playtime.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
Ages strictly enforced with limited exceptions.