Kindergarten Field Trip
This class is designed for English language learners. Improve your spoken English as we focus on listening and speaking skills with an emphasis on everyday pronunciation, intonation, and stress, as well as unique American rhythms.
English For Computer Support Specialists - Adult (Online)
This is a class for English language learners.
3, 2, FUN
Ages 2-3 years with adult; 30 min. Ticket required.
Preschoolers get ready for school by doing things like talking, singing songs and rhymes, doing finger plays, and listening to stories.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
All ages with adult; 30 min. Ticket required.
Children build skills in singing, talking, listening, reading, and getting along with others through stories, music, rhymes, and activities.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
Ticket required. Tickets will be available 15 minutes before class.
Ages newborns-23 months with adult; 20-30 min. Ticket required.
Newborns and toddlers learn to express feelings, language, and movement through stories, baby games, musical activities, and playtime.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
Ticket required.
Tickets available 15 minutes before class.
Ages newborns-23 months with adult; 20-30 min. Ticket required.
Newborns and toddlers learn to express feelings, language, and movement through stories, baby games, musical activities, and playtime.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
Tickets required. Tickets issued 15 minutes before the beginning of class.
Ages newborns-23 months with adult; 20-30 min. Ticket required.
Newborns and toddlers learn to express feelings, language, and movement through stories, baby games, musical activities, and playtime.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
Ticket required.
Tickets available 15 minutes before class.
3, 2, FUN
Ages 2-3 years with adult; 30 min. Ticket required.
Preschoolers get ready for school by doing things like talking, singing songs and rhymes, doing finger plays, and listening to stories.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
All ages with adult; 30 min. Ticket required.
Children build skills in singing, talking, listening, reading, and getting along with others through stories, music, rhymes, and activities.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
Ticket required. Tickets will be available 15 minutes before class.
Join Dulcinia Rubio, a certified Freedom from Smoking ® facilitator with the Howard County Health Department. Learn how the chemicals in tobacco and vapes affect colorectal health and available no-cost cessation resources.
Learn to code using the computing language Python from one of our HiTech instructors! No experience necessary.
Ages 6-9. 45 min. Ticket required. Ho. Co. Schools have early closing.
Come celebrate this fantastic creature with stories, dragon lore, and a scaly craft.
Ages 6 - 8; 45 min. Ticket required. Ho. Co. schools close 3 hours early.
Ages 7-10. 45 minutes. Registration required.
Work in teams to solve engineering challenges with Cubelets®.
Discover the world of post-production! Learn the skills of a film/video editor while acquiring an understanding of the technology involved with the profession. Edit video and audio using Final Cut Pro X and Logic Pro X. Registration required.
An afterschool hang out for teens to connect, play games and create.
Study room available for those interested in quiet independent study
Have you, your child, or the whole family always wanted to learn Spanish? Well NOW is the perfect time!!!
Ages 8 and up, with adult. 60 min.
Join the Hexentics First Lego League Team for a fun, hands-on demonstration of their latest robotic creations.
Get your FREE COVID-19 vaccine or booster!
For adults and children (5-17)
All vaccine types offered.
In partnership with the Howard County Health Department.
Drop-in A/V lab for adults, includes access to the recording booth and other HiTech equipment to record and mix music or create movies. In-person
Ages 4 and up. Allow 15 minutes. Drop in.
Pop-in and make a fun craft!
Group of adults with Lego ideas and creations in common.
Registration is open to Veterans/ active duty and their families, please. Participants are encouraged to attend all sessions.
All ages with adult; 30 min. Ticket required.
A class before bedtime. Children build skills in singing, talking, listening, reading, and getting along with others through stories, music, rhymes, and activities. Children may wear their pajamas and bring their loveys and blankets.
Tickets will be available at the children's desk 15 minutes before class.
We bring the supplies, you bring the fun. Ages 5 - 11. Ticket required. Mask required.
Bas Bleu, French for “bluestocking,” refers to an intellectual or literary woman. We read a variety of literary fiction, and all are welcome – not just bluestockings!
Join us for a discussion of the following books:
Prerequisite: Korean for Beginners. Registration required. Ages 18+.
Lady Brion: If these streets could talk ( Poetry Slam workshop 3)
These workshops will be held in-person at HCLS, Central Branch.
"I am spoken courage passed down..."
--Lady Brion
Join the Nonfiction Book Club to share your thoughts on a varied array of Nonfiction selections.
English As A Second Language Levels 1, 2 or 3 - Adult (Online)
This is a class for adult English language learners. Improve your English language skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It is suitable for English language learners in low beginning, high beginning and low intermed
This is a class for adult English language learners. Develop your English vocabulary and writing skills in the business context. Learn to compose effective emails and reports for the workplace. If you're new to thi
Reading & Speaking for English Language Learners - Adult (Online)
This class is designed for English language learners. Practice your speaking skills in a supportive environment. Students read a short story each week and discuss it in class.
Is English your second (or third) language? Practice speaking and listening in a small group.
Wednesdays, 7:45 - 8:45 pm