TEEN Crochet Circle; Super Summer Edition

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Registration for this event will close on July 5, 2024 @ 3:00pm.

Program Description

Event Details

Ages 11-18  | Walk-in, no registration needed, but feel free to register for a reminder.

THIS SESSION is an extended Super Summer Edition, drop in for 30 minutes, or stay the entire 2 hours.  

An advanced crochet artist from HCLS' Pins and Needles club will join our circle to offer tips and share some past projects.

Work on your crochet projects, while chatting and sharing ideas with other yarn lovers in this creative space. *Beginners can learn basic stitches and from experienced crafters, advanced teens enjoy inspiration trading tips, tricks, and techniques.  Some crochet hooks and yarn will be available, feel free to bring your own. 

*This is not a formal class to learn to crochet. An instructor will be available to teach the basic crochet chain, but students create based on their skill level.





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