Tolkien Talks: An Evening in Middle-earth

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Age Group:

Teens, Adults
Registration for this event will close on March 22, 2025 @ 3:30pm.

Program Description

Event Details

Just in time for the annual Tolkien Reading Day, discover how the thousand-year-old Battle of Maldon, fought between English defenders and Viking invaders, inspired J.R.R. Tolkien as a scholar, a playwright, and a creator of imaginary worlds.

You're invited to bring your favorite excerpt of poetry or prose by J.R.R. Tolkien to read aloud at the end of the event to share in the fun. 

As part of our Tolkien celebration, please join us at Brewing Good Coffee Company in Savage Mill to enjoy their hobbit-themed menu items and have your copy of The Battle of Maldon signed by the editor. 

Peter Grybauskas is principal lecturer in English at the University of Maryland, where he leads courses on fantasy and food. He is the author of A Sense of Tales Untold and editor of Tolkien's The Battle of Maldon. 


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