Age Group:
ChildrenProgram Description
Event Details
Ages 3-5 with adult; 60 min. Registration Required.
Join Healthy Little Cooks curious chef cooking playgroup. You will create a Curious George animal rice cake, decorate your own paper chef's hat and hear a Curious George book. In this class, kids will have fun cooking with their parents and/or grandparents, learning about colors and exploring new shapes. Parents and/or grandparents required to attend.
*Class Taught in English & Spanish
Únase al grupo de juego del chef curioso Healthy Little Cooks. Crearás un pastel de arroz con animales de Jorge el Curioso, decorarás tu propio gorro de chef en papel y escucharás un libro de Jorge el Curioso. En esta clase, los niños se divertirán cocinando con sus padres y/o abuelos, aprendiendo sobre colores y explorando nuevas formas. Se requiere la asistencia de padres y/o abuelos.
*Clase impartida en inglés y en español.
Ingredients: Rice Cakes, Sunflower Butter, Cocoa, Banana, Blueberries, Strawberries
Ingredientes: Pasteles de Arroz, Mantequilla de Girasol, Cacao, Banana, Arándanos, Fresas
Class Size: 12 families (1-2 kids per family), Max 30 total.
Tamaño de la Clase: 12 familias (1-2 niños por familia), Max 30 total.
Attendance Requirements - Class Participation Form & Waiver with Food Allergy Acknowledgement
Requisitos de Asistencia: Formulario de Participación en Clase y Exención con Reconocimiento de Alergia Alimentaria
*Participation Waiver*
Welcome to our cooking class! By registering, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:
Health and Safety: It is your responsibility to inform us of any food allergies or dietary restrictions prior
to the class. Despite our careful attention to allergen control, we cannot guarantee completely allergen-
free environments. Please complete the class waiver and allergen information form here:
Personal Responsibility: You acknowledge that cooking activities involve inherent risks and possible
injuries. We strive to provide a safe environment and require all participants to adhere strictly to safety
Liability Waiver: By registering, you agree to release and hold harmless the cooking class, its
instructors, and affiliates from any claims, damages, or injuries that may arise during your participation in
the class. For questions or further clarification, feel free to contact us
Acknowledgment: Your completion of the registration confirms your understanding and agreement to
these terms, and your consent to be legally bound by them.