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The Iota Lambda Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Celebrates 50 years of Enriching Howard County through Sisterhood, Service and the Fight for Equity.
Founded on October 7, 1972, the local chapter represents the nation’s oldest African American Sorority. The new exhibit runs through October 31 at the Equity Resource Center, at the Central Branch “On its 50th anniversary, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Iota Lambda Omega Chapter is excited to highlight its contributions to equity and social justice in Howard County with this groundbreaking exhibit," said Sharon Stanley Merriweather, Esq., president of the 353-member chapter. “Over the next 50 years, ILO will continue its award-winning programming aimed at supporting more access and opportunities for all Howard County residents,”Historic photos, fliers, letters, and awards narrate the journey of the chapter and its commitment to the community. This includes securing hotel rooms for people experiencing homelessness, tutoring and mentoring youth, expungement fairs, and voter registration drives, among other initiatives.
Alpha Kappa Alpha was founded in 1908 at Howard University. Today it boasts more than 1,000 chapters in 12 countries and 325,000 members.